Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass and other liturgies throughout the year. Training sessions are held as the need arises and is typically posted in the bulletin. Altar Servers are in 4th grade or higher, and should have made their First Communion. Those interested in being an Altar Server can pick up an application at the Faith Formation office during class times or in the rectory during business hours or contact Matt Wachala.
Please prayerfully consider being a part of our Liturgical Ministries at St. Gabe's! If you need information on any of the current training available for any of these positions, please contact the rectory at 716-668-4017. If you have questions about any of the Liturgical Ministries, you may contact the Rectory.
For specific questions about Altar Servers, please contact Matt Wachala at 716-507-5977.
Please ignore title, there is a bug with the image being put on the site. The dates are accurate.