“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” -I Peter 4:10
It's simple: the more you give the happier you are, and everything we have in life comes from God- what better way then to give back? Stewardship is the giving of your time, talent and treasure. There are many ways you can give to the church, by being part of the church ministries, volunteering your time for events or being generous financially to the church. Call the rectory at 716-668-4017 to schedule any of the intentions, offerings or memorials.
Mass Cards: These can be purchased from the rectory. They are limited to two total masses per deceased one per year (one weekend and one weekday mass). Masses may need to be reschedule at the discretion of the Pastor.
The Sanctuary Light: Located next to the Tabernacle, if available for "A Special Intention" or "In Memory of a Deceased Loved One."
Host and/or Wine Offerings: Available for the "Memory/Honor of your Loved One."
Memorials to the Building Fund: May be purchased in memory of the loved one in lieu of masses.
Wills: Please remember St. Gabriel's in your will.
Looking to get involved with your time and talent? Contact someone from our ministries to get involved or call the rectory and let them know what your time availability and talents are so that they can help you get involved at St. Gabriel's!