First Reconciliation First Reconciliation will take place on two consecutive Saturdays at 11AM: TBA
First Communion First Communion Masses will take place on two consecutive Saturdays in May
Grades 6-8 Edge Nights for Grades 6 & 7 on Tuesdays will begin on September 17, 2024 Edge Nights for Grade 8 on Monday's will begin on September 16, 2024
Curriculum topics will be added to the schedules soon. We are working with our Family of Parishes on a joint Edge curriculum that will cycle over 3 years. Here at St. Gabriel's both Monday and Tuesday night will be the same session, so if your young person cannot make their night, then they may attend the opposite night.
Grade 10 Sunday Schedule and Curriculum Confirmation Preparation begins in January. The Confirmation Information Meeting for Parents and Teens is on Thur., Sept. 19th at 7pm in the Parish Center.