Penance is held Monday through Friday at 7:50a.m. and Tuesday and Friday from 11 a.m.-11:15 a.m. During the Advent and Lenten seasons, St. Gabriel's joins with Parishes from the area to celebrate the Sacrament during a special reconciliation service as well.
First Penance/Reconciliation is scheduled by the Faith Formation office and includes a Parent Orientation for students attending Faith Formation classes and those students that are homeschooled or in Catholic school. Typically, the age for First Penance is for students in Second grade.
Sacrament of First Penance/ Reconciliation All students need to have completed their Sacramental interviews.
For those children have prepared during the previous school year, this sacrament will be celebrated on Thursday, September 24 at 6:30 p.m., and on Wednesday, September 30 at 6:30 p.m. It is very IMPORTANT that children review an Examination of Conscience, and know the Form of Confession and their Basic Prayers. (This information is available in the links above). All students need to have completed their Sacramental Interviews. **First Reconciliation for the 2021-22 school year will be held on two consecutive Saturdays at 11AM: March 19, 2022 and March 26, 2022
Stay tuned to our website, the weekly bulletin and Flocknotes for the most up to date information.
More information on First Penance/Reconciliation available by calling the Faith Formation office at 716-668-2070.