Congratulations on your engagement! Planning a wedding is a big event in your lives and a big commitment. Appointments for Matrimony/Marriage are to be made one year PRIOR to the wedding day. A meeting with the priest to discuss necessary preparations is necessary. Only the priest can confirm your wedding date; it is wise to check on available dates with the church before confirming any other firm commitments or wedding arrangements.
Couples must attend a Marriage Preparation Program and meet periodically with the priest officiating their wedding. The couple will also work with the Music Director, Emma Dus, in planning the ceremony. Any questions regarding the church's rules or regulations on marriage and the ceremony should be directed to the parish priest as to avoid any misunderstandings or confusion.
The copies of updated (within the last 6 months) Baptismal Certificates are required.
Call the rectory to schedule your appointment at 716-668-4017.